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Chicago Family Photographers | Newborn Lifestyle Photography - Charlie

Where to begin? This moment of getting to capture infant photos of our nephew Charlie with his wonderful parents was 7 years in the making. Almost exactly one year ago before these pictures were taken, my sister Kate spoke boldy at the dinner table around New Years. She told us that THIS would be the year that she would have her baby and there wouldb’t be anything that could get in the way of that…


Where to begin? This moment of getting to capture infant photos of our nephew Charlie with his wonderful parents was 7 years in the making. Almost exactly one year ago before these pictures were taken, my sister Kate spoke boldy at the dinner table around New Years. She told us that THIS would be the year that she would have her baby and there wouldb’t be anything that could get in the way of that. They were visiting us in the Chicago Suburbs from their home in SoCal. They already had their paperwork to get started in their process of IVF and social work meetings to look into the process for adoption. It had a been a long 7 years of waiting, grieving the miscarriage of their first baby 7 years prior, and asking God when. …Fast forward one month after Kate said those words at the dinner table when we got a FaceTime with the greatest news ever. We were all elated. Kate & Stu were finally granted their hearts desires. But, even after the news of pregnancy, there was still a battle to fight. If you’ve never experienced Hyperemesis, there really are no words to describe what it feels like. Our momma had it intensely with both of us. She had to have in-home care and was told multiple times that the outcome might not be what she was hoping. It can be genetic and it happened to be passed down to both of us. Mine was never even a fraction of what my mom and sister walked through though. So, just knowing the tiny bits / moments of the extreme nausea (imagine just taking a sip of water and having it all come up every single time, or the slightest movement as you lie in bed sending you into a fit of sickness.) The inability to eat or drink or move or stay awake is unlike anything that can be described. And out of those 9 months and 7 years of praying, battling, and asking, came the most perfect little boy I’ve ever gotten to hold this side of heaven. Charlie is nothing short of the delightul miracle rainbow baby they’ve been aching for. …we’ve all been aching for. We love you so much sweet Charlie Boy. You are perfection in every sense. And Kate & Stu are every bit and more of the parents they’ve ached to be.

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